Bulletin 4.21.24
Bulletin: April 21, 2024
WELCOME: If you are visiting with us today, welcome! We hope you will take a moment to complete a Connection Card from a chair back or complete one online here. Please return your completed card to a member of the Guest Services team to received a free gift.
GIVING: If you would like to give financially to Crossroads, you can do so by cash, check (payable to Crossroads Church), or online here. Please drop your cash or check donation to a give box located in the back of the sanctuary or in the lobby.
PRAYCOLA: Join us all day, Saturday, April 27, as Crossroads Church covers our city, nation, and the world in 24/7 prayer. Will you some time to pray with us this Friday and the 27th of each month? Click here to reserve a 30 minute time-slot or to learn more about this multi-church prayer initiative!
CHILD DEDICATION: We will be having child dedication on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12. If you would like to participate, please complete the form here! Click here if you would like to participate! For questions, contact Evan Dyson at evan@columbiacrossroads.org
HOPE FOR THE JOURNEY CONFERENCE : Crossroads Church will be hosting Show Hope's Hope for the Journey Conference on Saturday, May 18, from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the St. Andrews Campus. This conference is ideal for those that are currently going through the adoption process, are looking for additional adoption resources, or need some encouragement on their current adoption journey. This is a free event with an option to purchase lunch. For more details or to register, click here! Registration will close on May 10.
GRADUATION SUNDAY : Do you have a high school or college age student that will be graduating this year? We'd love to recognize their accomplishment during our service on Sunday, June 2. If you would like to participate, please send the following to Stephen Dennis at stephen@columbiacrossroads.org by May 29:
- A current picture of the graduate
- *OPTIONAL* A "baby" photo or kindergarten picture of the graduate. (No naked babies please.)
- Their next step (example: attending college or pursuing a career)
- Their favorite Bible verse.
UPDATE CONTACT INFO: Have you moved recently or would like to update your contact information easily in our church database? Click here to update your information. Be sure to select the box to "update your profile" with your new information!
Posted in Bulletin