Bulletin 2.16.25

Bulletin: February 16, 2025

WELCOME: If you are visiting with us today, welcome! We hope you will take a moment to complete a Connection Card from a chair back or complete one online here. Please return your completed card to a member of the Guest Services team to received a free gift. 
WOMEN'S RETREAT MAR 28-30: Ladies, joins us March 28-30 for our annual women's retreat! This year we return to Beach Cove Resort in Myrtle Beach to explore the theme of Wisdom Through the Ages. Registration is $170/person and rooms are on a first come, first served basis. Click here to register now! For questions, contact Angie Parks at aparks220@gmail.com
PARENTING SEMINAR MAR 23: Join us for a parenting seminar, led by Dr. David Olshine, at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 23, as we dive into the complexities of raising teenagers. Registration is $10/family and includes a seminar workbook, dinner, and a chance to fellowship with of like-minded parents. This is also a youth group preview night for our current 5th graders. Pizza will be provided for youth group that night. Childcare will be provided for those with 4th graders and younger. Click here to register! 
MENS HIKE INFO MEETING MAR 2: Join us for a informational meeting at Seacoast Church Irmo (411 Western Ln, Irmo, SC 29063.). We'll meet at 6 p.m. on March 2 to share information about the Men's Hike taking place this spring. Registration for the hike will be open at the end of February. Details coming soon! Contact David Smith at david_c_smith@outlook.com for questions.
GIVING: If you would like to give financially to Crossroads, you can do so by cash, check (payable to Crossroads Church), or online here. Please drop your cash or check donation to a give box located in the back of the sanctuary or in the lobby.
JOIN A SERVE TEAM: If you aren't currently on a ministry team at Crossroads, we'd love you to find your place to serve! Click here to express your interest and someone from our leadership team will be in touch. 
UPDATE CONTACT INFO: Have you moved recently or would like to update your contact information easily in our church database? Click here to update your information. Be sure to select the box to "update your profile" with your new information! 
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