Bulletin 8.4.24
Bulletin: August 4, 2024
WELCOME: If you are visiting with us today, welcome! We hope you will take a moment to complete a Connection Card from a chair back or complete one online here. Please return your completed card to a member of the Guest Services team to received a free gift.
GIVING: If you would like to give financially to Crossroads, you can do so by cash, check (payable to Crossroads Church), or online here. Please drop your cash or check donation to a give box located in the back of the sanctuary or in the lobby.
PRAYER GATHERING: Join us Wednesday, August 7, as we gather at 6:30 p.m. for prayer at the St. Andrews Campus (2723 Ashland Road, Columbia). We’ll come before the Lord for a Spirit-led, Scripture-fed approach to prayer. Feel free to share a request by emailing Kyle at kyle@columbiacrossroads.org.
GIVE TO EAF: This past Sunday you heard about how several current and former staff members from our congregation that have experienced sudden and life-altering medical events. The elders have designated that anything donated to our “Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF)” for the month of August will go to support these families with some of their medical expenses. You can go online to give directly to this fund.
MEN'S BREAKFAST AUGUST 17: Registration for our men's breakfast is officially OPEN! Join us on Saturday, August 17 from 8-10 a.m. We'll enjoy a perfectly cooked meal from Eggs Up Grill paired with the gourmet coffee from our very own Loveland. This is a time to spend connecting with men, new and old, while also hearing the testimonies of how God is at work in the lives of men at Crossroads. Click here to register now - cost is $5/person and free to the first 13 volunteers!
MEN'S RETREAT 2024: Registration for our Men's Retreat is now open! We'll be returning to Ridgehaven Resort and Conference Center in Brevard, NC, on September 20-22. The cost of the retreat will be $150/person. We will request a (non-refundable) deposit of $75/person at time of registration. Our group will be limited to the first 70 individuals to register. Click here to register now! If you can't attend but would like to make a general donation to our scholarship fund, you may do so through our online Scholarship Form.
JOIN A SERVE TEAM: If you aren't currently on a ministry team at Crossroads, we'd love you to find your place to serve! Click here to express your interest and someone from our leadership team will be in touch.
UPDATE CONTACT INFO: Have you moved recently or would like to update your contact information easily in our church database? Click here to update your information. Be sure to select the box to "update your profile" with your new information!
Posted in Bulletin