care ministry

Carry one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6

Walking alongside the weak, weary, and wounded in Jesus' name

Take your next step

find the help you need

Help comes in many forms and sizes. Fill out our intake form, so we can direct you toward the best kind of care.

Become a Care giver

Are you someone who loves helping others improve their emotional, mental, and/or spiritual health? You might be the perfect fit for one of our teams!

Janalee Smith

Care Director

care teams

Our Care Teams are made up of trained volunteers who care for those with various needs related to hurts, crises, transitions, addictions, marriage, and relationship difficulties. Regardless of the situation, their help is person-centered, empathetic, psychologically informed, and biblically sound. While our caregivers are not therapists, they are thoroughly equipped to offer distinctively Christian support and encouragement. And all of their care is completely free and confidential.

Stephen Ministry:  Stephen Ministers are trained to walk alongside others during difficult times while offering prayer, encouragement, wisdom, and a listening ear. For more information, email Janalee Smith at or click the button below to start a conversation about joining our team! 

Support services

Support Services is a team of volunteers and skilled technicians who offer practical care and tangible support to those who need a helping hand. Whether it’s providing a warm meal for parents bringing home a new baby, conducting hospital or home visits for those who are ill, mowing lawns for those who can’t, or providing skilled labor at a reduced rate, their acts of service can lighten the load.

meet our specialists.

Specialized Services is a group of professionals who provide their specific expertise for a fee. 

James Gould

Pastoral Guidance Provider
Our Pastoral Guidance Provider is an ordained minister who offers gospel-oriented guidance and wisdom to individuals and couples.  James is a member of the America Association of Christian Counselors and is SYMBIS certified. 

Peggy McKechnie

Life Coach
Our Life Coach draws out the motivation for change and helps clients establish clear and actionable steps to reach their goals. 

care COllective

Care Cola is a relational network of like-minded mental health professionals who seek to honor God as they encourage, empower, and support one another in service to their clients and community.
You can find a provider, apply to become a provider, or register for Continuing Education events at