Meet the staff.

jeff shipman
Teaching Pastor & Elder
Jeff & Allison Shipman were part of the original group that started Columbia Crossroads Church in 2001. Jeff leads the staff and preaching team to maintain a culture of disciple-making disciples.

Russ Holt
Executive Pastor & Elder
Russ & Patty Holt have been part of Crossroads since 2010. In addition to serving as the Executive Pastor of Crossroads, Russ also serves our national vision as the Director of Operations for Christ Together.

JD Richards
Multicampus Pastor
JD has been at Crossroads since 2015. He oversees Worship, Family Ministry, and Outreach across all Crossroads campuses.

Julie Winn
Communications Director / Admin
Julie joined the Crossroads team in 2011. She works behind the scenes to manage the details of communications, graphic design, administrative support, and facilities maintenance.

Evan Dyson
Family Ministries Director
Evan is the champion of discipling children and resourcing parents to be the primary disciple-makers in their homes.

Stephen Dennis
NextGen Director
Stephen leads Gen Z to Jesus! He is the champion of discipling young adults.

Michael Kennedy
Discipleship Director
Michael leads our small groups and equipping classes, and helps get adults connected to discipleship opportunities.

Samantha craft
Ministries Assistant
Samantha keeps things coordinated behind the scenes with our ministry teams.

Crystal Hewitt
Chapin Children Coordinator
Crystal is the champion of discipling children and students in Chapin.

Janalee Smith
Care Director
Janalee provides leadership and support to our Care Ministry. She is also collaborating with other providers by leading CareCola.

Resident of Global Ministries
Kyle coordinates outreach ministries and global partner communication.

Kim Yaun
Global Access Team Resident
Kim coordinates global access events for Crossroads Church.

David Olshine
Youth Ministry Coordinator
David provides teaching at ENCOUNTER Sunday evenings.

Danielle Castor
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Danielle coordinates Children's Ministry programming at our St. Andrews Campus.

Greg Davis
Technical Director
Greg provides sound and technical support for the productions teams across all campuses.
Meet the ELDERS.

jeff shipman
Teaching Pastor & Elder
Jeff & Allison have been here since the beginning. They typically attend St Andrews.

Russ Holt
Executive Pastor & Elder
Russ & Patty Holt have been here since 2010. They attend the St Andrews campus.

Rob & Betsy attend the St Andrews campus.

Rob Hannus
Rob & Renee typically attend the St Andrews campus, but occasional visit Chapin.

Stan Catchings
Stan & Tina currently attend the Chapin campus.

Jim Hill
Jim & Stacy currently attend the St Andrews campus.

Chad & Leslie currently attend the St Andrews campus.

Manny LIcata
Manny & Jen currently attend the Chapin campus.
Christ together southeast

Christ Together Southeast
a ministry of Crossroads Church
Christ Together Southeast aims to unify the church of North America by convening and envisioning local church leaders around Gospel Saturation.

Ben Byxbe
City Catalyst
Ben provides coaching and support for Columbia's city-wide initiatives, such as LoveCola, PrayCola, and CareCola. He also coaches other cities and regions to gain traction towards Gospel Saturation.