Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you... singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Colossians 3:16
Our mission is to represent the gospel to every man, woman, and child through biblically centered worship, collaborative songwriting, and God honoring creative arts.
Our team is passionate about being changed through worship to be more like Jesus. It’s our prayer that God will use worship to bring this kind of change in the heart of every person worshiping Jesus with us.
Our team is passionate about being changed through worship to be more like Jesus. It’s our prayer that God will use worship to bring this kind of change in the heart of every person worshiping Jesus with us.

Serve with us
Are you a musician?
Do you play and instrument? Sing? Lead worship? Fill out this form and let us know you'd like to serve in that way!
Are you a Techie?
Are you interested in involvement in audio/visual teams? We'd love to have you join us!
are you a songwriter?
Join us!
Sign up here for information about our quarterly song-share gatherings!